Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (2024)

Complete the main quest of Assassin's Creed Odyssey with this guide! Included are walkthrough, guide, tips, and more for Episode 7!!!

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (1)

Main Quest Walkthrough

Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3
Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6
Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9

The Reunion

  • 1-1: A Mother's Prayers
  • 1-2: Catching Up

Paradise Lost

  • 2-1A: Quarry Quandary
  • 2-1B: Going Down
  • 2-1C: Death and Disorder
  • 2-2: The Paros Blockade
  • 2-3: United Front

Home Is Where My Mother Is

  • 3-1: Home Sweet Home
  • 3-2: Kings of Sparta

Paint It Red

  • 4A-1: The Conqueror
  • 4A-2: The End of Drakon
  • 4A-3: The Fall of Deianeira
  • 4A-4: The Last Fight of Aristaios
  • 4A-5: The Last Hunt of Nesaia

The Cult and the Archon

  • 4B-1: To Kill or Not to Kill

The Olympian

  • 4C-1: Delivering a Champion
  • 4C-2: The Contender
  • 4C-3: The Long Game
  • 4C-4: Pankration

King of Kosmos

  • 5-1: A Bloody Feast
  • 5-2: The Battle of Pylos

Chapter 1: The Reunion

In this chapter, you'll finally be reunited with Myrrine, your mother but you'll have to combat some enemies before you get to sit down & catch up.

1-1: A Mother's Prayers

1Sail the seas until you reach the island of Naxxos
2 Dock your ship & go up the hill to trigger the cutscene with your mother
3 Follow Myrrine down to the beach & take down the Athenian soldiers
4 Defeating the soldiers will complete the quest

3. Story Arc With Minimal Combat

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (11)

There is only one fight in this quest involving Athenian soldiers on the beach. Take them out with assassination or use your warrior skills to defeat them.

1-2: Catching Up

1After the battle on the beach, catch up with Myrrine on horseback as you travel through the island
2Follow her until you initiate the cutscene to end the quest

1. Catch Up With Myrrine In This Story-Based Quest

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (12)

Get the story straight from the horse's mouth. You simply need to follow Myrrine around the island to finish the quest.

2. New Quests To Complete

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (13)

After catching up with Myrrine, you'll trigger new quests that you can complete in no specific order. You need to accomplish these before you can move on with the story.

Chapter 2: Paradise Lost

Myrrine will have you complete some Support Quests before you can convince her to go after the Cult with you. You'll also have a series of naval battles in "The Paros Blockade" & "United Front".

Check Out The Naval Combat Guide Here!

2-1A: Quarry Quandary

1Sail across the sea to Paros island
2 Locate the wounded soldier & talk to him to know what happened to Euneas
3 Locate the quarry & the location of Euneas
4 Free him & escort him out of the quarry
5 After you escort him to a safe distance away, talk to Euneas & complete the quest

3. Climb Mountain To Back Of Quarry To Rescue Euneas

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (14)

You don't have to confront any solders to rescue Euneas. Simply unlock his cage & escort him away using the mountains in the back of the fort.

2-1B: Going Down

1Sail across the sea to Paros island
2 Head into the forts to burn war supplies & kill polemarches to lower Nation Power
3 Locate the Nation Treasure in the Fortified Marble Quarry & steal it
4 Once you've lowered the Nation Power enough, the quest will be completed

2. Go To Quarry For Fort Captains & War Supplies

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (15)

There are many fort captains & some war supplies in the quarry where you can rescue Euneas. Make sure to deal with these to lower the Nation Power.

3. Just Steal The Nation Treasure

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (16)

It's easy to steal the Nation Treasure when no one's looking. Go through the back of the fort by climbing the big white mountain to get free entrance to the base.

2-1C: Death and Disorder

1Talk to Myrrine at the party to trigger a cutscene with Aspasia
2 Go further into the island & locate the cave where Myrrine's assassins are situated
3 Once you get into the cave, kill a set of soldiers in the first cavern
4 Go into the 2nd cavern to find two masked assassins that you need to eliminate
5 After killing the assassin's go back to Myrrine & talk to her to end the quest

3. Use Rush Assassination To Kill Masked Assassins

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (17)

When you enter the 2nd cavern, the two assassins won't spot you immediately. Use your Rush Assassination skill & chain attack them to kill them both immediately.

2-2: The Paros Blockade

1After talking to Myrrine, head down to the port & sail your ship to confront the Paros Blockade
2 Take down the fleet of three boats
3 Head back to Myrrine in Naxos to finish the quest

2. Aim For The Smaller Boats First

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (18)

Smaller boats have lower HP but they move fast & can ram your ship. Take them down first then deal with the bigger ships after.

2-3: United Front

1Undock your boat & sail towards Paros island
2 Locate Paros's fleet in the waters around the island
3 Take down the fleet of four ships to achieve victory
4 Sail back to Naxos to drop off Myrrine & trigger the cutscene to end the quest

Ram Boats To Sink Them

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (19)

When you've damage a boat enought, it'll stay still in the water. Ram & cleave into them to sink them instantly.

Chapter 3: Home Is Where My Mother Is

This chapter has no combat involved and is simply dialogue-based.

3-1: Home Sweet Home

1Meet Myrrine ad Gytheion, follow her on horseback
2Choose whether to help / not help upon coming across a young Spartan being attacked by wolves
3Continue following Myrrine upon reaching Sparta to your childhood home

Helping the Spartan Will Not Affect the Outcome

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (20)

Choosing whether or whether not to help the young Spattan is completely optional.

3-2: Kings of Sparta

1Meet the Two Kings of Sparta in their palace with Brasidas

Consists Only of Dialogue

This quest will consist only of dialogue. The Two Kings will task you with multiple quests in order to proceed any further. You may choose to complete them in any order.

Chapter 4A: Paint It Red

In this chapter, you'll be facing 4 champions that are very challenging to fight. Make sure that your level is high enough & have good gear before attempting to fight them.Check Out How To Level Up Faster!

4A-1: The Conqueror

1Meet the Stentor at your waypoint to be contracted with taking down 4 Boeotian Champions; Drakon, Deianeira, Aristaios and Nesaia as an additional quest
2Complete the additional quest and return to Stentor to initiate a Conquest battle.

Takedown the 4 Champions

You may choose to take down any of the 4 champions you are given mark in any order you choose. Be sure that you are well leveled and equipped for your fight before challenging them, as they can overpower you easily.

4A-2: The End of Drakon

1Find and assassinate Drakon at xxxx

Stealth Repeatedly to Deal Damage

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (21)

Drakon is an exceptionally tough opponent and can take you down in few swipes if under levelled. If you are having trouble taking him down, try using the nearby bush to cut his line of sight and repeatedly deal stealth damage to him.

4A-3: The Fall of Deianeira

1Find and assassinate Deianeira travelling on horseback

Deianeira will be Travelling Around the Map

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (22)

Deianeira will be travelling around the map on horseback. Intercept her in rural area to take care of her without interference

4A-4: The Last Fight of Aristaios

1Find and assassinate Aristaios at Kopais Perch

Nikolaos May Finish the Fight for You

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (23)

If Nikolaos' life was spared in the previous encounter, he will have already arrived on site and finished off Aristaios for you. If you chose to let him live in the previous episode, you may want to start your hunt of Champions here.

4A-5: The Last Hunt of Nesaia

1Find and assassinate Nesaia at her camp near Orpos Heights

Beware of Nesaia's Bear

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (24)

Nesaia will have a bear accompany her in her battle. Be careful you do not get caught in a crossfire.

Chapter 4B: The Cult and the Archon

In this chapter, you'll have to defeat another Cultist - Lagos, the Archon of Arkadia. Use your assassination skills to eliminate him quickly.

4B-1: To Kill or Not to Kill

1Head to Statue of Artemis in the Cedar, defeat a mercenary ambush
2Regroup with Myrrine and Brasidas in Tegea
3Assassinate Lagos, the Archon of Arkadia
4Report back to Myrrine and Brasidas

Complete Support Quest for Alternative Solution

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (25)

You may choose to let Lagos live by completing the support quest "White Lies and Blackmail". If you are looking to finish this section quickly, killing Lagos will be a much more easier & faster.

Chapter 4C: The Olympian

You'll be participating in the Olympic Games in this chapter. Mastery of combat & warrior skills is a must to complete "The Contender" and "Pankration".

4C-1: Delivering a Champion

1Head to the waypoint to meet the trainer of Testikles, an Olympic athlete
2Head to Lakonia and talk to a slave to get the oil or its recipe
3Find Testikles in the rural island of Messenia. You will need to sail
4Travel to Elis

The Oil's Recipe Won't Matter

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (26)

The Oil, even when carefully adjusted, will not have any effect on the scenario due to Testikles meeting his accidental untimely demise.

4C-2: The Contender

1Meet the Pankration organizer in the Olympic in Elis
2Compete in the Pankration, defeat 2 contestants

Use Overpower Attacks to Finish Enemy Off Quickly

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (27)

You will fight in the Pankration unarmed, and is advised to use Overpower Attacks to deal with your enemies quickly.

4C-3: The Long Game

1Investigate the banquet to find clues about the poison that Alkiblades drank
2Talk with the merchant, head to Fort Koroibos to find an antidote
3Take the antidote to Alkiblades

Sneak in the building to Retrieve the Antidote

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (28)

The antidote can be found in the building near the center of the fort. Use the pole above the fort wall to travel above the crowd to avoid attention.

4C-4: Pankration

1Talk to the staff and take part in the final Pankration game

Use Quick Attacks and Overpower Attacks

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (29)

Similar to your previous Pankration game, use quick swipes to gather your Adrenaline bar and use overpower attacks to deal with your contestant.

Chapter 5: King of Kosmos

In this chapter, you have to eliminate Pausanias in "A Bloody Feast", achieve victory in "The Battle of Pylos" and confront Deimos to determine your game's ending route.

5-1: A Bloody Feast

1Talk to the Two Kings in the palace, accuse Pausanias as a member of the Cult
2Confront Pausanias
3Return to Archidamos

Defeat Pausanias Before He Regroups

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (30)

You will need to work fast in taking care of Pausanias as your bounty rate will be maxed out upon starting this mission. Track him down fast and end him quickly before the mercenaries catches up on you.

5-2: The Battle of Pylos

1Regroup with the Spartan Officer, Labtas at Waypoint
2Take part in the Conquest
3Confront Deimos

Deimos is Undefeatable

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (31)

In this confrontation, Deimos will become invulnerable after being guarded in a yellow light. You will not be able to defeat Deimos and cutscene will commence shortly after.

You Can Check Your Ending Route Here

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (32)

Check on Deimos' reaction once he talks to you in your cell. If he comments to Kleon that "he is not his puppet", you're on track for the best ending.

Episode 7 - Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide | Assassin's Creed Odyssey - GameWith (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.